Monday, October 7, 2013

Well Fed

Hi, I'm back.

No promises that I'll stay, but I have had dramatic changes here in the last year, so it will take a while to catch up.

A simple change has been our diet. 2013 has been a year of health focus for us, so after instilling a routine exercise program, we also changed the way we eat to a whole foods centered program. It really simplified shopping; I only buy single ingredient fresh foods for the most part, in either the fresh produce or fresh meats sections of the grocery store. We no longer eat grains (of any kind, including "whole" grains), dairy, legumes or added sugar. Well, with some moderation...Dennis likes a spoon of sugar in his coffee, and he's switched to half and half. But no chemicals--no Coffeemate or Splenda for us.

We've lost a combined 100 pounds so far, and feel fabulous. We eat all the time, and everything we eat looks magnificent as well as tasting that way.

My newest cookbook addition is Well Fed by Melissa Joulwan, so over the next few weeks I'll post some experiments from that book...just in time for Well Fed 2 to come out.

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