Friday, June 26, 2009

My birthday is fast approaching

I have arrived (nearly) at the end of the year where my age was the answer to the ultimate question in life. It was definitely an amazing year! I watched a child turn 16, a young woman (I don't think I can call her a child anymore) turn 20, my husband retire after serving his country for 22 years (and 8 days), and saw a 23rd wedding anniversary come and go. I began a new job with a great group of coworkers who humble me with their witnesses every day. I got to know a group of young people who are bright, curious, and funny, and began developing a relationship with them that I hope lasts for eternity.

So, to new adventures in the coming year...a graduation, a wedding, a new start for my firstborn. New staff in our school. New college courses for my younger daughter. And probably a flying RV-10 in the family! Here's to forty-three...

Monday, June 22, 2009


Today was my first real day of summer. We took last week to "vacate" and it was lovely. We are leaving again Friday for another short camping trip, and then we will visit family, and family will visit us. Suddenly it is BASIC Blowout season, and then I'm back at work at least parttime in order to get started on the busyness of class planning.

But today, I meandered about with ideas, with good books, with quotes, and with some light housecleaning. And the never-ending organization that I enjoy--nothing like relocating a few piles to make you feel productive.

Oh, and I started two new blogs: Math Marathon and Creation Exploration. I'll use these for my math and science middle school classes next year to continue our "further up and further in" studies.

Summertime. The living is definitely easy.