Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Week Four Almost Escaped...

Here it is, nearly halfway through week five (it's going well, but I'll save that for next week!), and I haven't had time to evaluate or refocus or redefine or whatever it is I'm trying to do week to week. So, a quick summary of week four, then off to today's adventures (which include such tasks as updating my military ID and running by the quilt shop in Goldsboro...keep your fingers crossed I'll find the perfect fabric!).

Faith...Family...Friends...Finished Projects...and (cough, cough) Fitness...

Faith: In week four,  I had a fantastic time in worship, learned so much about missions in the middle east, and then hung out with my church family at our summer pool party. I got to cuddle and allow one of my "covenant grandchildren" a siesta pool-side, and just love the way the body loves each other. I got to visit with my sweet sisters on Monday morning as I picked up the new Community Bible Study materials for 2015-2016 (Covenant Living & Leadership). We start that training next week, and our first week together is September 3!

Family: Lunched with Mal & Mike & Gingersnap and Gumdrop after church, then saw a lot of them as the great-grandparents (my in-laws) arrived on Wednesday. We had a whole big family dinner that evening, although Matt missed out due to his late work schedule, and Maggie's devotion to fitness had her running a bit later. Then Dennis and I took off for Tazewell, VA with his folks on Friday, by way of a brief touristy stop in Mt. Airy's Main Street, and spent the weekend at the Davis/Beavers/Sparks family reunion. (Frank is an "honorary" Davis, and his mother was a Beavers.) It was my fifth time at this gathering, and I saw a lot of folks I remembered, and some of them even remembered me. Sweet people, good much food.

By the way, happy 80th birthday to the best father-in-law in the world! After getting to spend Mom's birthday with her last month, it was a treat to be able to spend the day with Frank on his birthday this month.

Great-grandparenting happened a lot this week:

Friends: The Sugar Creek Quilters were here as usual on Monday night, and I got twelve more Celtic Solstice blocks pieced since I'd spent Sunday afternoon putting my sets of block pieces together into stacks. Then Thursday was Greenville Quilters Guild pot luck dinner as well as regular meeting, so I got there early around 3:30 and quilted with Paula until time to eat, then quilted a bit more until time to meet. We had an AWESOME show and tell this month. Many new members, and several of them brought quilts or quilt projects underway to show!

Finished Projects: I was so motivated by my progress on Monday night that I sat down Tuesday morning and got the rest of my Celtic Solstice blocks made...and started assembling rows. As it is with many projects, I found the errors in my block construction as the rows came together, and had to spend a bit of time unsewing and resewing a few four-patches. It turned out great, and now I'm rethinking my border fabric. So far so good, though. I pieced CS geese for the border at guild, and have a few more of those to go.

That's about it...oh, yeah, fitness. NOTHING. I walked a bit, made quite a few trips in and out of the guild meeting, stood over my frame for a while...but not one bit of progress. I think my brain just will not commit to anything because our summer has been so full of one shake-up to the routine after another. Lots of company means company cooking (and Yoder's and Simply Natural Creamery)...but I think I'm seeing the return of a schedule with the beginning of September. September will be Whole30 month for me, and I'm going to start up on P90X3 again. That's the plan. It's a good plan. It works. I'm going to work that plan. (Stay tuned to see if I do.)

I finished another quilt this week (I'll post it on my Week 5 recap), and it caused me to do a quick evaluation of the quilts I've finished this year (not in order of completion):

Cross & Crown
Pilgrimage (commission)
Alphabet Soup
Scrumptious Squares
Lakeside Roses
Persimmon Tweet
Christmas Vacation
Ravi's Tees (commission)
Lakeside Runner
Dalmatian Christmas mini

Other than Dalmatian Christmas, everything has been begun and finished in 2015 (not really UFQs). When I finish Celtic Solstice, it'll be my first significantly-sized UFQ completed this year. I'd like to say I'm going to focus on UFQs for the rest of the year, but it's just not true. I have about 20 projects lined up to piece and quilt that are brand new ideas and fabrics. My 50/50 idea is not working out so far.

That's all I have time for, and it's fine. This week has not been conducive to self-reflection. Let's hope I get a bit more quiet time in the next few weeks!

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