Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Gardening

Oh, how delightful it is to walk in the garden in the early morning! No wonder Genesis is full of God's pleasure in creation, and God's delight in walking in the garden.

I have spider friends guarding my veggies now, and have noticed a dramatic reduction in the pest population. If only I could issue banana spider invitations with the first planting...

Rattlesnake Pole bean guard...

Yellow Pear Tomato guard...

I am so proud of my tomatoes...I grew these plants from seeds!

Enjoy your summer!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, honey. I can attest to how good your veggies have been, having gotten to partake of many of them freshly picked while I was with you guys this month. I'll have to say, though, I'm not too wild about your "spider guards." GRIN!
